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Durga Ashtami Mantra

Durga Ashtami mantra is to be chanted when Ashtami tithi falls after Amavasya – the eight day during the waxing or light phase of moon. It is believed that chanting the mantra will help in desire fulfillment related to wealth, money, property and relationship.

Durga Ashtami Mantra

Om Aim Hreem Kleem Mahagauraye Namah
ऐं हृीं क्लीं महागौर्ये नमः ।।

Those wishing to remove bad luck should chant the mantra at night after sighting moon. The mantra should be chanted 108 times after lighting a ghee lamp in the northeast corner of the house. Those who are unlucky in life should sit facing northeast and chant the mantra.

Those wishing to improve business or looking to get new job should chant the mantra in a Goddess Durga temple. The devotee should then plant trees and feed animals. Protecting and educating young children is highly meritorious.

To overcome debt, solve financial problems or to become wealthy, one should chant the mantra after during pradosh period (the time before sunset) lighting a lamp using til or sesame. The devotee should then provide food grains and clothes to poor families.