Ranchor is a popular name of Bhagavan Sri Krishna especially
in Gujarat and parts of Rajasthan. Ranchor means ‘one who walked away from
battle.’ The name is not used mockingly or sarcastically. It is uttered with
devotion and piety. The name indicates that Bhagavan Sri Krishna was not
interested in war and he avoided unnecessary bloodshed.
Story of Ranchor
Jarasandha, ruler of Magadha, tried to avenge the slaying of
Kamsa, his son-in-law by Sri Krishna. He attacked Mathura 17 times. Each time, Sri
Krishna and Balarama successfully defended their kingdom.
But Sri Krishna soon realized that if Yadavas were to progress
as a community then they had to make a strategic withdrawal from the war.
All the wealth and energy of the Yadavas were being used to
defend against the attacks of Jarasandha.
Sri Krishna thus decided to shift their capital to Dwaraka
southwest of Mathura, out of reach of Jarasandha’s army.
It was this wise decision that resulted in Sri Krishna being
called Ranchor.
Krishna and Kaliya Naag – Story of Sri Krishna and Kaliya Mardan
Krishna and Kaliya Naag – Story of Sri Krishna and Kaliya Mardan