Ashar month, or Ashad, is the third month in a traditional Bengali calendar. In 2025, Aashar Month in Bangla Calendar begins on June 16 and ends on July 17, 2025. The current year as per Bengali calendar is 1432. Some of the auspicious days in the month include Manasa Devi Puja and Kamakhya Devi Puja (June 22 to June 26).
Bipadtarini Puja is on June 28 and July 1
Important Festivals and Auspicious Days in Ashara Month
Puri Ratha Yatra - June 27Bipadtarini Puja is on June 28 and July 1
Return Journey of Puri Rath Yatra - July 5
Guru Purnima - July 11
Manasa puja - Ashtanga puja -
Purnima day in Ashada month in 2025 is on July 10
Amavasya in Ashara Mash is on June 25
The next month in Bengali Calendar is the Shravan month.