Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu is a very popular prayer dedicated to
Mother Goddess in Hinduism. The complete lyrics of the prayer starting with
lines Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu in Malayalam is given below. Please note that the
prayer can be converted into pdf format after writing it on notepad or word.
The prayer can be chanted on all days.
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu is especially chanted on Pournami or
full moon day and during Navratri especially during Vidyarambham.
The prayer should be chanted also on Fridays and Tuesdays
without fail.
Benefits include peace, prosperity, and solutions to marital
The prayer is also beneficial to students.
It should be chanted when young children are introduced into
the world of learning.
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Malayalam Lyrics
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നമസ്തസ്à´¯ൈ നമോ നമ:
നമസ്തസ്à´¯ൈ നമോ നമ:
à´“ം ആയുà´°്à´¦േà´¹ി ധനംà´¦േà´¹ി
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