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Panchachara – Five Codes of Conduct in Virashaivism or Lingayat Sect

Panchachara are the five codes of conduct in Virashaivism or Lingayat Sect. They are:

Lingachara – daily worship of Shivling as the only God.

Sadachara – leading moral and virtuous life.

Shivachara – all people are to be treated as the devotees of Shiva.

Bhrtyachara – humility towards Shiva and his devotees.

Ganachara – good conduct of gana or group. No devotee can bear the use of abusive language against the master and ill treatment of men and animals. The obligation is to promote the welfare of everyone and thereby develop Lingayat sect.

Basavanna is considered to be the founder of Lingayatism or Lingayat Sect or Veerashaivism. The sect brought about sweeping social changes in Karnataka and surrounding regions around 900 years ago.

Panchachara, or the Five Codes of Conduct, are foundational principles in Virashaivism or the Lingayat sect, emphasizing devotion, morality, and community welfare. These codes guide the followers' daily lives and interactions, fostering a spiritually enriched and ethically grounded society. Here is an expanded explanation of each of the five codes:

1. Lingachara – Daily Worship of Shivling as the Only God

Lingachara is the practice of daily worship dedicated to the Shiva Linga, symbolizing Lord Shiva. This code underscores the monotheistic belief central to Lingayat philosophy, where Shiva is the supreme deity. The worship involves various rituals, including:

  • Personal rituals: Daily prayers, meditation, and offerings to the Shiva Linga, which each follower wears in a small container (Ishtalinga) around their neck.
  • Community rituals: Participating in temple rituals and festivals dedicated to Lord Shiva.

2. Sadachara – Leading a Moral and Virtuous Life

Sadachara emphasizes the importance of ethical living. Followers are encouraged to:

  • Adhere to Dharma: Upholding righteousness and moral duties.
  • Practice honesty: Being truthful in all dealings.
  • Exhibit integrity: Maintaining consistency in moral values and actions.
  • Foster compassion: Showing empathy and kindness to all beings.

3. Shivachara – Treating All People as Devotees of Shiva

Shivachara promotes the egalitarian aspect of Lingayatism, where every individual is seen as a devotee of Shiva, deserving respect and equal treatment. This code advocates:

  • Inclusiveness: Recognizing and respecting the divinity within every person.
  • Equality: Rejecting caste and social hierarchies, promoting social justice.
  • Community support: Helping others in their spiritual and material needs.

4. Bhrtyachara – Humility Towards Shiva and His Devotees

Bhrtyachara is about cultivating humility and devotion towards Lord Shiva and His followers. This involves:

  • Serving others: Engaging in acts of service (Seva) for the community.
  • Humbleness: Maintaining a humble attitude in interactions.
  • Devotion: Demonstrating unwavering faith and loyalty to Shiva and His teachings.

5. Ganachara – Good Conduct of Gana or Group

Ganachara focuses on the collective conduct within the community (Gana). It encompasses:

  • Respect: Ensuring no abusive language or ill-treatment within the group.
  • Protection: Safeguarding the dignity of individuals and welfare of animals.
  • Welfare: Promoting the well-being of all members and the broader community.
  • Unity: Strengthening the Lingayat sect through communal harmony and mutual support.

The Panchachara collectively ensures that followers of Virashaivism or the Lingayat sect lead lives that are spiritually fulfilling, morally upright, and socially responsible. These principles foster a sense of unity and shared purpose, contributing to the overall development and prosperity of the community.