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Basava Jayanti – Basavanna Jayanthi 2025 date - Birth Anniversary of Basaveshwar

Basavanna Jayanti, or Basava Jayanti, marks the birth anniversary of the 12th Century thinker, social reformer, saint and religious teacher, Basaveshwara. In 2025, the date of Basava Jayanti is April 30 - as per the Karnataka Government Calendar. The day is also known as Basaveshwar Jayanti. 

Basavanna is considered to be the founder of Lingayatism or Lingayat Sect or Veerashaivism. He was responsible for sweeping social changes in Karnataka and surrounding regions around 900 years ago. In 2025, it is the 892nd birth anniversary of the social reformer.

Birth Anniversary of Basaveshwar

A true humanist, Basaveshwara stood for the upliftment of the downtrodden and fought the evils that had crept into the Brahmanic Vedic tradition. He preached that there is only one Supreme Being and that is Shiva; and that all animate and inanimate are equal before the Supreme Being.

The philosophy and teachings of Basaveshwara had universal appeal and eternal value and it attracted millions of people. The equality of sexes and social justice, which was unheard in many parts of the world in 12th century, was introduced at the grassroots level of the Kannada society by Basavanna.

He is the creator of Vachana Sahitya, A Kannada literary work on various aspects of life. He is also the co-founder of Anubhava Mantapa.

Vachana, penned by Basavanna, propagates values of universal brotherhood, social awareness and aims at equality in the society. Vachana is a prosaic form well known in Kannada literature – great teaches in few words like the mahavakyas of the Upanishads.

What Basavanna Taught The World?

Don't rob, Don't kill, Never ever lie
Don't get angry, Don't think negative about others
Don't self describe, Don't tease others
This is the way of self-respect, this is the way to get respected by the world.
This is the way of impressing my Lord Kudala Sangama Deva

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