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Hate is a joy killer

Hate is a joy killer. Always keep it out.

When a thought of hatred arises in our mind, replace it with thought of love, forgiveness and good will.

Fear, hatred, jealousy, envy and resentment are promoted by the mainstream media through innumerable ways. Identify them and keep them out as they only bring destruction.

Thinking and exaggerating about future misfortunes is killing all joy we have in the present.

For joy, happiness and fun to flourish the essential ingredient is love.

In the vast tapestry of Hindu teachings, there is a profound understanding of the impact emotions have on our lives. One such emotion, hate, is recognized as a significant barrier to happiness and inner peace. The wisdom embedded in the simple yet powerful teaching, "Hate is a joy killer. Always keep it out," reflects a deeper philosophical and spiritual truth.

Hate, with its corrosive nature, has the power to overshadow the light of joy within us. It consumes our thoughts, poisons our emotions, and disturbs the tranquility of our minds. When we harbor hate, we allow negative energy to dominate our lives, leading to inner turmoil and external discord. This teaching encourages us to recognize the destructive potential of hate and actively work to prevent it from taking root in our hearts.

To "always keep it out" is a call to mindfulness and self-discipline. It is a reminder to cultivate positive emotions such as love, compassion, and forgiveness. By doing so, we create a mental and emotional environment where joy can flourish. This teaching aligns with the broader Hindu principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and maitri (friendship), which advocate for harmonious living and the well-being of all beings.

In practical terms, keeping hate out involves conscious effort and reflection. It requires us to be vigilant about our thoughts and actions, to practice empathy, and to seek understanding rather than judgment. It involves letting go of grudges, seeking reconciliation, and fostering a sense of unity with others.

Ultimately, this teaching from Hindu philosophy serves as a guide to living a life filled with joy and positivity. By acknowledging the detrimental effects of hate and committing to a path of love and kindness, we can elevate our own spirits and contribute to a more harmonious and joyful world.
