Sree Andalur Kavu Temple Festival 2025 in Kannur - Andaloor Kavu Theyyam Thira Kaliyattam festival Festival
Sree Andalur Kavu Temple is located at Andalur in Dharmadam
in Kannur District. The annual theyyam thira kaliyattam festival in the temple is observed in Kumbha Masam - Kumbham 1 to 7 (February 13 to February 20, 2025).Various unique rituals are performed during the period.
The annual festival is noted for various rituals including
Theyyam. The kaliyattam performed here is based on Ramayana. The festival begins with the famous ponmudi veppa arambam.
Important theyyams that can be witnessed at Sree Andalur Kavu temple are Athiralamma theyyam (Athiralavum makkalum), Ilamkarumakan theyyam, Naga Bhagavathy theyyam, Poothadi Malakidaran theyyam, Malakari, Ponmakan, Puthuchekon, Vettakkorumakan, Bappooran and Naga Kandan theyyam.
Daivathar Sree Rama Theyyam |
Seethayum Makkalum - Sita Devi and Lava Kusha |
February 16-à´¨് à´ªുലര്à´š്à´šെ 4.30à´¨് à´¨ിà´°്à´®ാà´²്യദര്ശനം. February 16 - 5 AM à´µിà´µിà´§ à´¤െà´¯്യങ്ങള്. à´…à´¤ിà´°ാളവും മക്à´•à´³ും (à´¸ീതയും ലവകുശന്à´®ാà´°ും), ഇളങ്à´•à´°ുവന്, à´ªൂà´¤ാà´Ÿി, à´¨ാà´—à´•à´£്à´ à´¨്,à´¨ാà´—à´à´—വതി, മലക്à´•ാà´°ി, à´ªൊà´¨്മകന്, à´ªുà´¤ുà´šേà´•ോà´¨്, à´µേà´Ÿ്à´Ÿà´¯്à´•്à´•ൊà´°ുമകന്, ബപ്à´ªൂà´°à´¨് à´¤ുà´Ÿà´™്à´™ിà´¯ à´¤െà´¯്യങ്ങള് à´•െà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´¯ാà´Ÿും. à´’à´¨്à´¨ിà´¨് à´•്à´·േà´¤്à´°à´®ുà´±്റത്à´¤് à´¬ാà´²ി-à´¸ുà´—്à´°ീവയുà´¦്à´§ം. à´µൈà´•ീà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് à´®െà´¯്à´¯ാà´²ുà´•ുà´Ÿà´²്, തറമ്മല് കയറല്. ആറിà´¨് à´¦ൈവത്à´¤ാà´°് (à´¶്à´°ീà´°ാമന്) à´ªൊà´¨്à´®ുà´Ÿിയണിà´¯ും. സഹചാà´°ിà´•à´³ാà´¯ à´…à´™്à´•à´•്à´•ാà´°à´¨് (ലക്à´·്മണന്), ബപ്à´ªൂà´°à´¨് (ഹനുà´®ാà´¨്) à´Žà´¨്à´¨ിവരും à´¤ിà´°ുà´®ുà´Ÿി à´…à´£ിà´¯ും. à´°ാà´¤്à´°ി à´’à´¨്പതിà´¨് à´¤ാà´´െà´•്à´•ാà´µിà´²േà´•്à´•് à´Žà´´ുà´¨്നള്ളത്à´¤് നടക്à´•ും. February 19 വരെ à´¤െà´¯്à´¯ാà´Ÿ്à´Ÿà´™്ങള് ആവര്à´¤്à´¤ിà´•്à´•ും. February 20-à´¨് à´°ാà´µിà´²െ à´¤ിà´°ുà´µാà´à´°à´£ം അറയിà´²്à´¸ൂà´•്à´·ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ à´šà´Ÿà´™്à´™ോà´Ÿെ ഉത്സവം സമാà´ªിà´•്à´•ും.
Thousands of people arrive on the day to witness various
rituals and festivities. The temple is traditionally decorated with plantain, coconut
leaves, flowers, leaves, traditional lamps and lights.
Sree Andalur Kavu Temple is on the way from Kannur to
Thalassery at the Brennan College, Meethale Peedika Junction. The shrine is around 9 km from Thalassery Railway Station.
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