Laghima Siddhi is one of the eight yogic powers or ashta
siddhis. It is mentioned in Vyasa Bhasya on Yogasutra of Patanjali (III:45). The
definition of Laghima given in Yoga texts
is – becoming very light in weight like cotton fiber. On who has
attained the Siddhi will be capable of free movement in space. Gravitation is
not a problem for the person who has mastered Laghima.
To attain the power to fly the Yogi has to have the control
of the five elements – earth, water, fire, air and space.
The yogi attains the power by the practice of Samyama (i.e.,
dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi, all the three together) on the qualities or
special characteristics of five elements, which are grossness, nature, subtle,
cause and effect relation and purposiveness.
Source – Encyclopedia of Hinduism Volume VI page 226 published
by India Heritage Foundation
Ashta Siddhi
Ashta Siddhi