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Gita Govinda Multimedia Project by Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA)

A multimedia experience on Gita Govinda, a 12th Century epic by Jayadeva is developed, by Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA), with the objective to familiarize audiences on the fundamental concepts of Indian music, dance, art and their inter-relationships and interpretation. The content is conceived by Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, a scholar of Gita Govinda for over thirty years.

The Gita Govinda is a classical poem, dramatizing the love sports of Krishna and Radha. Written by the poet Jayadeva, this 12th century poem has been capturing the imagination of countless poets, artists, musicians, dancers and devotees.

Press Trust of India reports 
"My challenge was... how do I get it across to the public through new technology, which otherwise would have taken 40 books to write and other 1500 books written by others," Vatsyayan says in the introduction to the presentation.
The 12 GB pendrive consists of Sanskrit and English text, paintings and over 17 hours of video documentation including recitations in both the languages, including recitation and explanation of songs, musical renderings, dance performances, interpretations and critical evaluation of songs and selected Ashtapadis. 
Vatsyayan attempts to explain the differences between the human and the divine.
She says, "Gita Govinda is just a poem about two characters and a sakhi. At the human level there are two characters Radha and Krishna, at the divine level there are Vishnu and Shree. At the human level there is the love of two people while at the divine level there is the love and separation of the divine and the human."