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Bhaum Vrat in Shravan Month – Bhauma Vrat on Tuesdays in Shravan Mahina in North India

Bhaum Vrat is observed on Tuesdays or on Mangalvar in Shravan month. Bhauma or Mangal or Mars is the Navgraha worshipped in Hinduism. The popular belief is that Shiva has control over all navgrahas especially Bhauma.

The belief is that those having trouble in horoscope related to Mangal Grah will get relief by observing Bhaum Vrat in Shravan Month dedicated to Shiva on the day. 

The main ritual on the day includes offering prayers at a Shiva temple. People opt only for vegetarian dish on the day. Evening prayers are offered to Shiva and Mangal Grah (you can find Mangal deity in any temple that has Navagrahas installed).

Red color flowers are offered for puja on the day.

It is meritorious to perform Annadanam (food donation) on the day.