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Teachings from Book – God Lived with Them

Vedanta says that a knower of Brahman becomes fearless. Fear originates from duality. Because an illumined soul experiences the non-dual Brahman, he can never fear anyone.

After attaining Supreme Knowledge one cannot commit any evil deed. How can one who has realized God or attained knowledge through discrimination, renunciation, love, devotion, and purity, do mischief? Therefore, after attaining non-dual knowledge whatever a person does, it must be good.

Worldly means are of no avail to one who wants to attain the knowledge of God.

Bliss is inherent in human beings; therefore they cannot bear pain, for it is foreign to their true nature. However, grief plays a very important role in life. It makes people understand the impermanency of the world.

God Lived with Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Ramakrishna - By Swami Chetanananda

"God Lived with Them: Life Stories of Sixteen Monastic Disciples of Ramakrishna" is a collection of stories about the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, a 19th-century Indian mystic and spiritual leader. The book offers valuable insights into the lives and teachings of these disciples. Some important teachings that can be gleaned from their life stories include:

Dedication to Spiritual Practice: The disciples of Ramakrishna were deeply committed to their spiritual practices. Their lives demonstrate the importance of consistent sadhana (spiritual practice) in the pursuit of spiritual realization.

Service to Humanity: Many of Ramakrishna's disciples dedicated their lives to serving humanity. Their selfless service, inspired by their guru's teachings, emphasizes the importance of compassion and helping others as a path to spiritual growth.

Renunciation and Detachment: Renunciation of worldly desires and attachments was a central theme in the lives of Ramakrishna's disciples. Their willingness to renounce material comforts and dedicate themselves to a higher cause underscores the importance of detachment in the spiritual journey.

Unity of Religions: Ramakrishna taught the harmony of religions and the universality of spiritual truths. His disciples, through their lives and teachings, exemplified this principle by respecting all religious paths and promoting interfaith understanding.

Guru-Disciple Relationship: The bond between guru (spiritual teacher) and disciple is a recurring theme in the lives of Ramakrishna's followers. Their unwavering faith in their guru and the transformative power of his teachings highlight the significance of the guru-disciple relationship in spiritual evolution.

Simplicity and Humility: Despite their spiritual attainments, many of Ramakrishna's disciples remained humble and simple in their demeanor. Their humility serves as a reminder of the importance of egolessness on the spiritual path.

Overall, the stories of Ramakrishna's disciples offer profound insights into the nature of spiritual life and the principles of Vedanta, the philosophical foundation of their teachings. These teachings continue to inspire spiritual seekers around the world to this day.