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A 1000 year old Goddess Vrishanana Yogini Murti Returned to India

Goddess Vrishanana Yogini Murti was worshipped temple at Lokhari village (Banda District) in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh in India. The 1000-year-old Murti was stolen from the temple and sold to an art collector in Paris. The widow of the collector has now returned the Murti to India. The Murti is back in India because a minister accidentally happened to see it in Paris.

Goddess Vrishanana Yogini Murti is a powerful incarnation of Mother Goddess. In this form Mother Goddess has a buffalo-head.

The 4.5-foot Vrishanana Yogini Murti weighs 400 kg and is carved in a single rock.

As per Hindu scriptures, there are 64 Yoginis and they served Goddess Kali and the Bhairav form of Shiva. Yogini worship is widely performed in north and eastern parts of India. There are 64 Yogini Temples in Orissa.
India Today writes about it 
Vrishanana Yogini sits on a stone slab in 'lalitasana', holding a club in the left hand and a 'bilva' fruit in the right.
Her 'vahana' (ride) is a swan that's pecking the bilva.
The Yogini has a chiselled body with full breasts, slim waist and rounded abdomen.
Her eyes are half-closed in contemplation and the buffalo face is serene and meditative. 
She wears a necklace, anklets, bangles and a girdle on the waist - signaling a tribal link.
According to National  Museum, the Yogini cult started between the 6th and 10th centuries and is rooted in sacred texts such as 'Skanda Purana', 'Agni Purana', 'Kaulajnananirnaya' and in lists called 'Yogininamavalis'.

Hindu Blog View

The government plans to display the Goddess Vrishanana Yogini Murti in a Museum. This is wrong. The Murti should be returned to a temple that has the capacity to house and protect the Murti.

Several thousands of Murtis are displayed in various museums across the world and thousands of murtis are in hands of private collectors. These Murtis should be brought back to India.

We Hindus are responsible for our Murtis ending up in museums and in private collections. We have no respect for our tradition, history and culture. We don’t value our tradition. Instead of protecting our priceless tradition, we are happy chanting our ancient glory, trying to link it with science and pouring money into the already overflowing coffers of rich temples in India. We are always ready to give donations to fake swamis and ashrams but not a single rupee or service is given for restoration of a nearby temple.

Take care of a temple in neighborhood before paying for darshan in Tirupati, Kashi and Vaisnodevi. You don’t need to pay to have darshan of your neighborhood deity. A neat, small and well-maintained temple in a locality or village is first sign towards prosperity.