Darbha Grass is an important item in many Hindu pujas and
rituals. There are certain things that should be kept in mind while using
Darbha. Below are the dos and donts while using Darbha Grass.
The tip of the Darbha should be intact. The grass leaf
without the tip is useless.
When we take Darbha from a bundle, we have to do it from the
lower/root side and not from the top.
When we set it down, care must be taken to see that its tip
faces east or north.
The Darbha should not be placed on bare earth.
Darbha cannot be reused; or and if it is trampled it should
not be used again.
Darbha grass should not be cut with our nails.
Note - The article originally written and
contributed by Sarma Sastrigal. It is found in the book titled ‘The Great
Hindu Tradition’ written by Sarma Sastrigal.