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Importance of Darbha Grass in Hinduism

The article originally written and contributed by Sarma Sastrigal

Darbha, also called kusa or darbhai, is a grass leaf and is of great importance in Hinduism. Darbha is considered as a form of wealth and can cleanse us of our sins as it has the power to purify. There are several types of darbha grass that can be used such as darbhai, viswamitra, kusa, munja, sara, doorva etc.

Tradition avers that Brahma resides at the roots of kusa, Kesava in the centre and Sankara in the tip; and other Gods in the four directions – as in the case of a peepal tree.

Great sages like Harita, Markandeya, Atri, Kausika, Vyasa, Saataatapa, Yajnavalkya, Asvalayana and Apasthamba have eulogized darbha.

Though there are minor variations in the use of darbhai in deva karmas and pitru karmas, there is unison among all the Rishis in underscoring the place of darbhai in all rites and rituals.

The Vedas too speak specifically of the value of darbha: the acchidra section of Krisnayajurveda Braahmama is a case in point. Reference to darbha is found in granthas, the ancient texts of Sara-samuchaya, Smrti-saram, Smrti-ratnam, Smrti chintamani, Smrti-bbaskara and Vishnupurana. There are many Puranic stories woven around darbha.

The Mahabharata contains the story of Garuda, the mythic bird and Vishnu's vehicle bringing ambrosia and the serpents getting their tongue split lengthwise when they licked the darbha leaf on which a few drops of the ambrosia fell.

The story of Rama throwing darbha at Jayanta in the shape of a crow can be found in the Ramayana.

In the story of Mahabali, Vamana clears the spout of pitcher with a leaf of darbhai. Guru Shukracharya had entered the pitcher to block the water from falling down.

The botanical name of darbha is Poa Cynosuroides. Even modern researchers speak of its special characteristics and the power of its vibrations.
