Asvasena Naga was a serpent that lived in the Khandava
forest in the Mahabharata. This snake was the son of Takshaka and he tried to get away from the
Khandava forest when it was burned down by Agni with the help of Arjuna. When
Agni attempted to burn Khandava forest, Indra tried to extinguish the fire
using rain. Arjuna built a canopy using arrows to help Arjuna.
Asvasena Naga tried to escape from the forest when Agni was
swallowing it. Arjuna tried to stop Asvasena using arrows.
The naga then took his mother’s help. To save the naga, she
swallowed him. But Arjuna cut off her head. Indra who witnessed this sent a
cyclone that caused Arjuna to faint.
While Arjuna was unconscious, Asvasena escaped from the
Khandava forest.
On waking, Arjuna cursed Asvasena that he will never get
refuge anywhere in the world.
Asvasena and Arjuna continued to be enemies and in the great
Kurukshetra battle in the Mahabharata, the naga helped Kauravas.
When Arjuna and Karna were engaged in war, Asvasena hid
inside the nagastra that was aimed at Arjuna by Karna. The nagastra missed
Arjuna and it his headgear – thanks to Krishna
who lowered the chariot at the right moment.
When Asavasena returned back, Karna declined to take him
An angry Asvasena then attacked Arjuna directly
and was killed in the battle.