Human beings or animals or birds or any other living being
or whatever thing in the universe that removes ignorance and ushers in the
light of self realization is Guru. Guru Purnima is dedicated to this Guru. A
Guru need not always be a Swami or a teacher. It can be a small child that gives you the most important lesson in life.
Guru Purnima is not dedicated to those modern Gurus who promise
miracles. Not to those Gurus who promises to make you rich. Not to those Gurus
who promises to solve your family problems or any other issues. These are not
Gurus but people who make their living by giving false hopes and promises. They
thrive on donations.
Those Gurus that directly or indirectly encourage fear,
jealousy, avarice and desires are not gurus.
True Guru never puts the blame to your problems on astrology
or bad luck or enemies.
True Guru never advertises.
True Guru never advertises.
Blessing of a Guru is not a substitute to hard work.
The greatest Guru is Bhagavan Sri Krishna. He did not
perform a single miracle on the battlefield of Kurukshetra in the Mahabharata.
He only made Arjuna realize his Dharma. He made Arjuna perform his Karma. Arjuna
had to pick up each arrow and hit the target. Similarly each one of us has to
perform our Dharma – focus on our aim, do not diversify, concentrate, do the
hard work, be patient, be determined and have single minded devotion.
A true Guru helps in removing ignorance which is stopping us
from attaining bliss on earth. For a true Guru happiness is not based on
external aspects but it is internal.
A real teacher will never seek blind followers. A true Guru is one who gives intellectual freedom – advises a disciple to think for himself and do as he chooses.
A real teacher will never seek blind followers. A true Guru is one who gives intellectual freedom – advises a disciple to think for himself and do as he chooses.
by - Abhilash Rajendran