Keeping away from others, eating but little, speech and body
and mind subdued, always engaged in meditation and concentration, endued with
Having abandoned egotism, strength, arrogance, desire,
enmity, property, free from the notion of ‘mine’ and peaceful, he is fit to
become Brahman.
Becoming Brahman, of serene self, he neither grieves nor
desires, treating all beings alike: he attains supreme devotion to Me.
By devotion he knows Me in truth, he forthwith enters into Me. (Bhagavad Gita Chapter XVIII, 52 –
Having abandoned egotism, strength, arrogance, desire, enmity, property, free from the notion of ‘mine’ and peaceful, he is fit to become Brahman. An Explanation:
This quote from the Bhagavad Gita highlights the spiritual journey toward self-realization and union with the divine.
In this verse, Bhagavan Sri Krishna imparts wisdom to Arjuna, emphasizing the qualities and mindset required for spiritual growth and realization of the ultimate truth, Brahman. Brahman represents the absolute, formless reality, often equated with the divine or universal consciousness.
The abandonment of egotism refers to transcending the ego, which is the sense of individual identity and separateness. By letting go of the ego, one can move beyond selfish desires and attachments.
Strength, in this context, refers not only to physical strength but also to mental and emotional strength. It involves overcoming the weaknesses and limitations of the human condition, such as fear and insecurity.
Arrogance signifies the ego-driven attitude of superiority or self-importance. By relinquishing arrogance, one becomes humble and open to learning from others and the universe.
Desire is a fundamental aspect of human existence, but it can lead to attachment and suffering when it becomes excessive or misdirected. Detachment from desires allows one to find contentment and inner peace.
Enmity represents feelings of animosity or hostility toward others. By letting go of enmity, one cultivates compassion, forgiveness, and harmony in relationships.
Property refers not only to material possessions but also to the sense of ownership and possessiveness. Being free from the notion of 'mine' involves recognizing the impermanence of worldly possessions and realizing that true wealth lies in spiritual virtues and inner richness.
Finally, attaining a state of peace is essential for spiritual progress. Inner peace arises from transcending the turbulence of the mind and finding serenity in the present moment.
By embodying these qualities and attitudes, one becomes fit to realize the ultimate truth, Brahman. This verse underscores the importance of self-discipline, selflessness, and spiritual evolution on the path toward enlightenment and union with the divine.