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Showing posts from September 22, 2011

Vedic Marriage Rituals – What Hindu Marriage Ritual Means?

Hindu marriage rituals have undergone a sea change in the last hundred years. The pure simple Vedic marriage rituals have been transformed into complex rituals. Writing on the subject in Livemint in an article titled ‘Vedic rituals recognize the marriage of equals,’ Aakar Patel introduces one of the best books published on the subject – The Vedic Hindu Marriage Ceremony (Sanskrit Text :Transcreation with English Translation) by P. Lal. Some excerpts from the book as quoted by Aakar Patel in the article The wedding begins with the purohit addressing the gathered: “Say these words to bless the wedding: ‘May all be holy (Om punyaham), may all be successful (Om riddhim), may all be well (Om svasti).”  The guests respond: “Om punyaham, Om riddhyatam, Om svasti”.  The man, karta, giving the bride away then welcomes the groom, who replies: “I am honoured (aham ase). The bride is blessed by the presence of divinity.”  The couple then receive each other with these words.  Bride: “