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Eco-friendly fetus-shaped Crematorium planned in Kochi in Kerala

Cities in India are growing but without finding answer to basic needs like water, waste management etc. Even worse is the issue of cremating the dead in cities in India. Most of the crematoriums maintained by government are unhygienic and lack proper facilities. Many concerned citizens of India are making serious efforts to give the dead a dignified exit from earth. Thrikkakara Panchayat near Kochi in Kerala is planning a Eco-friendly fetus-shaped Crematorium.
Deccan Chronicle Writes
The unique project comes under Thrikkakara Crematorium Trust of which Georgekutty is the chairman. The design of the crematorium has been inspired by a spiritual quest. Shaped in the form of a foetus, it's been conceived and designed by world renowned architect Gurjit Matharoo. Matharoo, in fact, has specialized in crematorium designs. 
“Those interested can join us as members. We want to convert this into a people’s movement”, says Georgekutty. 
Kochi is a city of apartments. But, many of them don’t have service lifts. So, if a resident of 13th floor dies in hospital there’s no other go but to keep the body in the car park”, he says.
It’s here that the concept of funeral home becomes important. “You’ll find it only in Europe where bodies are immediately moved to funeral homes. Ours is a similar effort”, he says. 
“We’ve 12 crematoriums in the city. Yet, except three, others either lack in hygiene or efficiency”, Georgekutty says. 
The Thrikkakara project would be environment friendly as it would use coconut, cashew-nut shells and wooden logs with LPG as substitute. It can take three bodies in one go. 
The crematorium-cum-funeral home will have three separate halls, meant for Hindus, Muslims and Christians.