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Information on Transgenic Human and Animal Sciences Hidden In the Vedas

An Indian Vedic scientist, Dr Chandraprakash Trivedi, claims to have successfully decoded Vedic inscriptions which provide information on transgenic human and animal sciences. Transgenic is transferring of genetic material by any of a number of genetic engineering techniques from one organism to another.
DNA reports
The first revelations about transgenic animal sciences will be done by an Indian vedic scientist, Dr Chandraprakash Trivedi, at an international conference on human genetics that will be held in March in Cape Town
Dr Chandraprakash Trivedi said, “The decoded vedic hymns and depictions have tons of data on transgenic animal sciences. 
“The Indus Valley civilisation’s pictographic symbols on the seals are cytological models for teaching and they explore the cellular genetic evolution on the earth with genetic recombination. Its literary evidences are in the vedic hymns.” The hymns, when decoded, relate to the complex processes like the synthesis of chromosome, DNA replication, protein translation, and nucleotide pairs for nuclear reaction. 
Demonstrating one of the decoded hymns of the Rig Veda Dr Trivedi explained, “The Tvasta (as the DNA is referred to in the Rig Veda) that gives shape to all creatures is termed as an omni form (visvarupa) and it proves that DNA is present in all living beings. 
The same hymn goes further and identifies the ‘Brhaspati’ which is the nucleus embedded in the DNA. Similarly, there are codes for photosynthesis, the development of eukaryotic cell, bio-geo chemical cycle, oxidation, and reduction, and even global warming, which is elucidated in Atharva Veda, which is what comes at the end of consumption of the world’s resources.”