Midhunam, or Mithuna Masam, is the eleventh month in a traditional Malayalam calendar followed in Kerala. Mithuna Masam in 2025 is from June 15 to July 16. The famous Ochira Kali will be held on the first two days of the month.
Full Moon and No Moon Day
Velutha Vavu or full moon day (Purnima) – July 10
Karutha Vavu or Amavasya – June 25
Ekadasi Fasting days in Mithuna Masam are June 21 and July 14
Pradosham Fasting days are on June 23 and July 15
Pradosham Fasting days are on June 23 and July 15
Sashti Vratam is on July 1.
Vyasa Purnima / Guru Purnima- July 10
Vyasa Purnima / Guru Purnima- July 10
There will be the usual monthly pujas for the first five days at Sabarimala Temple from June 15 to June 20.
Next month in Malayalam calendar is the Karkidaka Masam also known as Ramayana Masam.