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Janaki Jayanti

Janaki Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Mata Sita, who is also known as Janaki. In 2025, the date of Janaki Jayanti is May 5. Janaki was adopted by King Janaka; after he found her while he was ploughing his field. The festival is observed on the ninth day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) of Vaisakha month (April – May).

It must be noted here that Janaki Jayanti in Vaishaka month is more famous with Hindu communities in western parts of India. In North India it is observed during Falgun Ashtami.

Janaki is an embodiment of purity and wifely devotion and is the consort of Lord Ram. Her abduction by Ravana and her subsequent rescue by Lord Ram, Lakshman, Hanuman and Vanar Sena is the central theme of the Ramayana. She is an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and is worshipped in temples dedicated to Lord Ram.

Please note that it is also observed in some regions on Phalgun Krishna Paksha Ashtami.