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Sankranti Quotes – Thoughts And Sayings On Makar Sankranti

Salutations and adorations to the Supreme Lord, the primordial power that divided the year into the four seasons. Salutations to Surya, the Sun God, who on this great day of Makar Sankranti embarks on his northward journey (Uttarayana).

The sun, symbolizing wisdom, divine knowledge and spiritual light, which receded from you when you reveled in the darkness of ignorance, delusion and sensuality, now joyously turns on its northward course and moves towards you to shed its light and warmth in greater abundance, and to infuse into you more life and energy.

The sun signifies knowledge, spiritual light and wisdom. Makar Sankranti signifies that we should turn away from the darkness of delusion in which we live, and begin to joyously let the light within us shine brighter and brighter. We should gradually begin to grow in purity, wisdom, and knowledge, even as the sun does from this day.
Swami Sivananda

Seekers of Truth, aspirants on the path of Yoga, devotees of God, lovers of mankind, all these have to pay tribute to the supreme father of energy, vital, which is Surya. ‘Suryah pratyaksha devata’ (The Sun is the visible God). If you have any visible God, it is the Sun before you. You cannot see God in His pristine excellence, but you can see God through the operation of his powers in nature. So, this particular day, we call Makar Sankranti, is holy.
Swami Krishnananda