Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi’s statements like "Who is this Ram? From which engineering college he graduated?" should be ignored. There is no point in indulging in violence over the irresponsible comments of a Chief Minister. He is cleverly trying to divide the nation over the Ram Sethu issue. Hindus should not fall for it. His aim is to create a divide between the North and South.
No damage can be done to Lord Ram by such statements. If any damage is taking place, it is in the hearts of the believers. Learn more about Hinduism or Santana Dharma and we will realize that the one who insults and the one feeling insulted all are the same. Brahman is there in Karunanidhi, you, me and in all animate and inanimate.
This is the teaching of Hinduism and this is why it is referred as most intellectually-sophisticated religions, for those who want to describe it as a religion. For many it is not a religion but a way of life.
All the people creating trouble and indulging in violence over the irresponsible statements of a cunning Chief Minister will be doing a great disservice to Santana Dharma.