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Bansuri Ganesha from Lladro - Spiritual Significance Of Flute In Hinduism

Lladro, a Spanish firm noted for high quality porcelain figurines, has issued porcelain figurine of Lord Ganesha playing Bansuri (flute). Issued in 2007, the figurine is presently available in many online stores and retails for $906 (Lladro yahoo price).

Lladro had issued a limited edition of Veena Ganesha (Ganesh playing Veena) in 2006.

The Bansuri Ganesha figurine is not displayed on the official website of Lladro but it is available for sale online and in many Lladro stores around the world.

Spiritual Significance Of Flute In Hinduism

The flute holds significant spiritual symbolism in Hinduism, particularly associated with Lord Krishna, one of the most revered deities. Here are some of the spiritual significances attributed to the flute in Hinduism:

Divine Melody: The flute is considered an instrument of divine music. In the hands of Lord Krishna, it produces enchanting melodies that captivate the hearts of devotees. These melodies symbolize the divine call that draws the souls towards the Supreme.

Emotional Expression: The flute represents the longing of the human soul for union with the divine. Lord Krishna is often depicted playing the flute under the Kadamba tree, expressing the yearning for divine love and spiritual union.

Selfless Devotion: The flute, being hollow inside, symbolizes selflessness and surrender. Lord Krishna's flute is said to be made from bamboo, which is empty inside, signifying the importance of being hollow or egoless to allow the divine to flow through.

Universal Harmony: The sound of the flute is said to create harmony and balance in the universe. In Hindu philosophy, it is believed that the entire cosmos is in a state of vibration, and the melodious tunes of the flute resonate with this cosmic vibration, bringing peace and equilibrium.

Awakening of Consciousness: The sound of the flute is believed to have the power to awaken the dormant spiritual consciousness within individuals. It is said that when one hears the divine music of Lord Krishna's flute, it stirs the soul and leads it towards self-realization.

Symbol of Bliss: The flute is associated with joy, bliss, and divine ecstasy. When Lord Krishna plays the flute, it symbolizes the blissful state of being attained through devotion and love for the divine.

Liberation: In the hands of Lord Krishna, the flute becomes a tool for liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). By following the divine call represented by the flute, devotees seek liberation from worldly attachments and attain spiritual enlightenment.

Overall, the flute in Hinduism, especially in the context of Lord Krishna's divine play (leela), embodies profound spiritual truths and serves as a reminder of the eternal bond between the individual soul (jivatma) and the Supreme Soul (Paramatma).