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When Rama Is Born The Crown Of Ravana Falls Down

 In the Bengali Krittibasi Ramayana, there is a fascinating tale that underscores the cosmic significance of Rama's birth. In the kingdom of Ayodhya, the joyous occasion of Rama's birth was being celebrated. However, far away in Lanka, the mighty demon king Ravana was experiencing an unusual disturbance.

As Rama was born, Ravana felt an inexplicable unease. His magnificent throne, usually a symbol of his unshakable power, began to tremble. This was not an ordinary tremor; the throne started vibrating violently, unsettling Ravana. To his astonishment, the throne then began to jump erratically, causing his crown to topple from his head.

Ravana, known for his unflinching composure and might, was utterly shocked. He could not comprehend how such a thing could happen. In his bewilderment and anger, he summoned his powerful son, Indrajit, renowned for his martial prowess and formidable magical abilities.

“Indrajit, come to me at once!” Ravana commanded. When Indrajit arrived, Ravana ordered him to find and kill Vasuki, the serpent king who held up the earth. Ravana believed that Vasuki’s actions were the cause of his throne's strange behavior and his crown's fall.

As Indrajit prepared to carry out his father’s orders, Vibhishana, Ravana’s righteous brother, intervened. He approached Ravana with a different perspective. “Listen, O King,” Vibhishana said calmly, “somewhere in this vast world, the one destined to slay you has been born. This extraordinary event is a sign of that momentous birth. Do not direct your wrath towards Vasuki or the earth.”

Ravana, still grappling with his disbelief, listened as Vibhishana continued, “This is not a time for impulsive action against the natural order. Instead, recognize that Narayana, the Supreme Being, has incarnated on earth. It is His birth that has caused this cosmic disturbance.”

The words of Vibhishana carried the weight of wisdom and truth. Ravana, though arrogant and powerful, was also intelligent enough to understand the deeper implications of these events. He realized that the birth of Rama, an incarnation of Narayana, was an event of cosmic importance, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in the divine play that would ultimately lead to his own downfall.

Thus, the incident of the falling crown and the trembling throne was not merely a physical occurrence but a profound omen, heralding the arrival of Rama, who would grow up to challenge and vanquish Ravana, restoring dharma and order in the universe.