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Manibhadra in Hinduism

Manibhadra is the name of a Yaksha in Hinduism. Manibhadra is a semi-divine being whose reference can be found in various Hindu texts, including the Mahabharata. In Vana Parva Chapter 65 of the Mahabharata, there is a mention of a caravan of traders who were attacked by wild elephants because they failed to offer prayers to Manibhadra. This illustrates the belief in divine protection and the consequences of not honoring these deities.

Yakshas, on the other hand, are semi-divine beings in Hindu mythology often depicted as guardians of the natural world, treasures, and wealth. They possess the ability to change form at will, granting them a certain level of mystique and power.

Manibhadra's association with money and wealth is consistent with the role of Yakshas, who are often linked to prosperity and abundance. As a guardian deity of a specific direction, Manibhadra's influence extends beyond just material wealth, encompassing protection and guidance in various aspects of life.

Overall, the stories and associations surrounding Manibhadra highlight the rich tapestry of beliefs within Hindu mythology, emphasizing the importance of reverence for divine beings and the acknowledgment of their roles in human affairs.

Manibhadra is also an important deity in Buddhism and Jainism.