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Purity Of Life Is The Highest And Truest Art – Mahatma Gandhi

If I preach against the modern artificial life of sensual enjoyment, and ask men and women to go back to the simple life epitomized in the charkha, I do so because I know that without an intelligent return to simplicity, there is no escape from our descent to a state lower than brutality.

This is the unmistakable teaching of the Gita. He who gives up action falls. He who gives up only the reward rises. But renunciation of fruit in no way means indifference to the result. In regard to every action one must know the result that is expected to follow the means thereto, and the capacity for it. He, who, being thus equipped, is without desire for the result, and is yet wholly engrossed in the due fulfillment of the task before him, is said to have renounced the fruits of his action.

Purity of life is the highest and truest art.


An explanation - 'Purity of life is the highest and truest art' is a profound perspective. Living a life of purity, where one's actions, intentions, and thoughts are aligned with the highest ideals of truth, goodness, and integrity, can indeed be seen as a form of artistry. It requires constant effort, mindfulness, and self-awareness to navigate through life with purity. This pursuit can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment, harmony, and inner peace.


Renunciation of fruit doesn't imply apathy towards the outcome. In many philosophical and spiritual traditions, including aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism, the idea is to detach oneself from the craving for specific outcomes while still engaging fully in action. This mindset promotes focus on the process and the present moment rather than being fixated on the future result. By relinquishing attachment to the fruits of one's actions, individuals can find greater inner peace, clarity, and freedom from anxiety or disappointment. It's about doing one's best without being overly concerned about what may come as a result.
