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Hindu Knowledge Has Been and Is Still Being Repressed – Jeffrey Armstrong

Jeffrey Armstrong is an award-winning author of several books on Vedic knowledge. In an interview to the Daily Bell, Jeffrey Armstrong talks about the greatness of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) and Vedic knowledge and boldly states that Hindu knowledge has been and is still being repressed by people with vested interests who do not want to see the teachings of Hinduism being a viable alternative to aggressive political and religious views of the world.

You can read the interview titled ‘Jeffrey Armstrong on the Mysteries of Indian Culture, the Relevance of Hindu Vedas’ here at the Daily Bell
Here are some excerpts from the interview
…The philosophy of India is very clear. We human beings are here with the ability to utilize our free will and the spectrum is anywhere from enlightened to 'endarkened.'
India's teachings have always stood for a renewable and cooperative relationship with the resources of the universe and the freedom of individuals.
…Religion is the wrong word to use for India's teachings. Religion is a word that is more accurately applied to the Middle Eastern Abrahamic cultures. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are religions. Te spiritual practices of India are called a Dharma Culture. The main difference is religions generally have one book of rules and stories whereas a Dharma culture has a library of spiritual and material knowledge aimed at understanding who we really are and how to properly use everything around us.
… What India calculated thousands of years ago, for example the wobble of the Earth's axis, which creates the movement called precession of the equinoxes – the slowly changing motion that completes one cycle every 25,920 years – has only recently been validated by modern science.
… Reflection is probably a good word because India has been aggressively colonized for the last 1200 years. Some scholars have suggested that as many as 60 million people died in the process of both the Muslim and British colonization of India. Whatever the numbers, that a holocaust of this proportion hasn't even been discussed in terms of history speaks for itself.
The honesty of the Hindu knowledge is that we are accountable to, to put it colloquially, Mother Nature, who is Divinely intelligent. The world that we live in, however, is really being controlled by a variety of interests that are negatively polarized. In my opinion, the knowledge of India has been and is still being repressed so that certain interests can continue colonizing both India and the planet, and to prevent it being a viable alternative to more aggressive religious and political worldviews.