It is natural for human beings to regard themselves merely as physical bodies and look at the surrounding world from that standpoint. But it is in this wrong view that the problems of life originate – and it is in the right view, that we are essentially spiritual beings, that all solutions lie. Our sensuous outlook has to be transformed into the spiritual. This change of outlook on life is the key to the solution of life’s problems, for our plan of living depends on our idea of ourselves. Our search for the meaning of life ends with the finding of our true nature and the process of its fulfillment.
The art of living is living by intuition.
Instinct is for the protection of the animal in man, whereas intuition is for the protection of the psyche, the soul of man.
Your greatest possession in the whole world is Nothing-ness.
It is not what your heart is in, but what is in your heart that matters.
Get rid of happiness, and you will get rid of misery.
Nothing can happen to us that does not intrinsically belong to us.
A guru is a bridge – not a prop. The guru must come from within. He may be met outside, but he is recognized by the indwelling Self.
A Christian missionary asked a Zen Master, ‘Is not the end point of man’s journey the union with God?. The Master replied, ‘No, the end point of man’s journey is not union, because there was never any separation.’