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Practical Spirituality In Daily Living

Religion reflects its glory through practical spirituality. Religion sustains the moral fibre of society, and religious striving propels humanity towards the manifestation of its divinity through acts of practical spirituality in daily living. Religion and spirituality mirror and reinforce one another. Religious practice breeds spirituality in an individual.

A person who adheres to truth and morality as his or her constant goal becomes endowed with a new kind of dignity that no level of material success, scholarship, or professional attainment can give. Thus, our worship ought to be channelled through prayer, ritual, and contemplation to sharing and caring in our daily lives in truthful, selfless, and compassionate ways.

We can actualize our paradise right here on earth through our acts of practical spirituality. Religious ideals need to be internalized through the practice of daily religious worship and then applied to daily living as spiritual actions. This is the highest humanism. There is, therefore, a compelling need for spawning sweeping religious and spiritual enthusiasm that will spread religious ideals like an epidemic and help navigate humanity towards this ideal of highest humanism.

The facade of the human ego has to be eternally purged to bring the selfless spirit alive and to consciousness. Living the ideal of highest humanism is the essential aim of human life.