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Story Of Sage Ribhu Blessed With Atma Jnana By Goddess Annapurna

The story of Sage Ribhu being blessed with Atma Jnana (Self-knowledge) by Goddess Annapurna is a significant narrative found in the Annapurna Upanishad, which emphasizes the power of devotion and the grace of divine intervention in attaining ultimate knowledge.


Sage Ribhu, renowned as a profound knower of Brahman (the ultimate reality), was approached by a yogi named Niaāgha. Seeking Self-knowledge, Niaāgha sought guidance from Ribhu, who decided to impart his wisdom by sharing his own transformative journey.

The Mantra of Goddess Annapurna

Ribhu began by recounting how his father had initiated him into the powerful ‘mantra of Goddess Annapurna.’ This mantra, comprising 27 sacred syllables, is as follows:

aim hrīṁ sauṁ śrīṁ klīm oṁ namo bhagavatyannapūrṇe mamābhilaṣitam annaṁ dehi svāhā

Each syllable in this mantra holds profound significance, invoking the blessings of Goddess Annapurna, the deity of nourishment and sustenance.

Devotion and Practice

Ribhu diligently chanted this mantra daily, immersing himself in devotion. His persistent repetition of the mantra was a testament to his unwavering faith and commitment. Over time, his dedication pleased the Divine Mother Annapurna.

Divine Encounter

Moved by Ribhu’s devotion, Goddess Annapurna manifested before him. This divine appearance was a moment of great spiritual significance. Ribhu, recognizing the opportunity, did not ask for material wealth or other mundane benefits. Instead, he sought the highest knowledge – Atmajnana or Self-knowledge.

The Blessing of Atmajnana

Acknowledging Ribhu’s sincere and selfless request, Goddess Annapurna bestowed upon him the profound knowledge of the Self. This divine grace transformed Ribhu, granting him a deep understanding of the ultimate reality and the nature of the Self.

The Essence of the Story

The story of Sage Ribhu highlights several key themes:

  1. Devotion and Perseverance: Ribhu’s relentless devotion and perseverance in chanting the mantra exemplify the importance of dedication in spiritual practice.
  2. Divine Grace: The narrative underscores the role of divine grace in attaining Self-knowledge. Despite one’s efforts, the ultimate realization often comes through the blessings of the divine.
  3. Prioritizing Spiritual Knowledge: Ribhu’s choice to ask for Atmajnana over any other boon reflects the supreme value placed on spiritual knowledge in the quest for liberation.

The Annapurna Upanishad

The Annapurna Upanishad, where this story is found, is a minor Upanishad dedicated to Goddess Annapurna. It explores themes of nourishment, both physical and spiritual, and the interconnectedness of sustenance and ultimate knowledge. The Upanishad serves as a guide for seekers aiming to balance their material and spiritual lives, emphasizing that true nourishment comes from the realization of the Self.

Ribhu’s journey from devoted practice to divine blessing serves as an inspiring tale for spiritual aspirants. It reminds us that unwavering devotion, combined with the right intentions, can lead to the highest form of knowledge and liberation, with the grace of the divine being a pivotal force in this transformative journey.