In a small village lived a family comprising a husband, wife, and their young son. The family, burdened by extreme poverty, decided to offer earnest prayers and penances to Mahadeva, a revered deity in Hinduism. Touched by their unwavering devotion and piety, Mahadeva appeared before them, offering to grant each of them one boon.
Overwhelmed with joy, the family asked for a day's time to think about their wishes. The next day, the wife, driven by her desire for a better life, asked Mahadeva to make her a queen. Instantly, she was transformed into the most beautiful woman. At that very moment, a king who was passing by saw her, fell deeply in love, and took her away to his palace.
Next, it was the husband’s turn to ask for a boon. Upon hearing of his wife's abduction by the king, he was heartbroken. In his distress, he implored Mahadeva to turn his wife, now a queen, into a sow and return her to him. Mahadeva granted this wish, and she was transformed into a sow and sent back to her husband.
Finally, it was the son’s turn. Having witnessed the unfortunate outcomes of his parents' wishes, he approached Mahadeva with caution. He requested that his mother be restored to her original human form and be reunited with his father. The deity, taking pity on the family, granted this boon as well, thus restoring the family's original state.
This story illustrates the proverb "Nothing Prospers in the Hands of an Unlucky Man," highlighting how misfortune can follow those who lack fortune, regardless of divine intervention.