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Atisara – Diarrhea In Ayurveda

Atisara in Ayurveda is an ailment characterized primarily by the passage of fluid excreta and urine and taken note by Ayurveda. Medical texts have postulated a legendary origin for the disease. Ayurvedic texts classify atisara or diarrhea into three main types, caused by the three humors, vata (air), pita (bile) and kapha (phlegm).

Atisara due to vata causes liquid excrements and undigested matter. When individuals of pitta constitution consume too much sour, salty, hot and caustic food, it causes heavy indigestion which gives rise to diarrhea. The patient would pass foul-smelling stools and would also have abdominal pain, burning sensations and swelling of the anus.

In a patient of phlegmatic constitution who gorges on heavy, cold, or fatty food, the phlegm gets disturbed and he is affected by atisara. It causes pain in the abdominal and anal regions, fatigue and nausea accompanied by foul-smelling stools.

The sannipata (diarrhea), which arises from the nature of the constitution of an individual and his loose life-style, is more dangerous and long-standing, making it difficult to cure the disease.

The two forms of psychosomatic diarrhea are caused primarily by one’s innate fear and anxiety. It is interesting to note that elaborate treatment and medication have been specified in Ayurveda texts for the cure of all the above-said types of diarrhea.