Asyavamiyasuktam is a hymn (sukta) that occurs in the first mandala (section) of Rig Veda Samhita. Asyavamiyasuktam has fifty-two verses and its rishi (seer) is Dirghatama Aucathya. A number of divinities such as Visvedeva, Vak, Ap, Soma, Agni, Surya, Vayu, Sarasvati, Parjanya and Sadhya are invoked here as devatas. Saunaka has written in Brihaddevata that the hymn is mostly for vishvedevas (many deities). The name of the sukta is based on the opening two words of the suka. Interestingly, most of its verses are repeated in Atharva Veda Samhita.
Asyavamiyasuktam is of a miscellaneous nature. It presents various
concepts and thoughts related to philosophy, spirituality, psychology, linguistics,
astrology and physical sciences. This hymn is well known for its symbolism. It
mentions four grades of speech. The philosophical ideas found here form the
basis of later philosophical theories. The concept of atman especially can be
traced back to this hymn. According to Acharya Sayana, the general purport of
this hymn is the inculcation of the teachings of Vedanta, the unity of Brahman
and the universe.
In this hymn, the rishi (seer) enquires about the first principle, the unitary cause of material and immaterial things (Rig Veda I.164.46). The ultimate reality of the world is indicated as one reality. The seer declares the truth is one, the wise call it variously Agni, Yama, and Matarisvan. Interpreting this mantra, Yaksha says that here one atman is described variously as Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni and Garutman. This declaration – ekam sat viprah bahudha vadanti – is often quoted today to underline the unity of all religions.