We are like a fruit slowly maturing, destined to be consumed
one day by forces beyond our comprehension. As we navigate through life, we
often labor under the illusion that we are the eater, believing that our
efforts and struggles will ultimately lead to a reward that will resolve all
our problems and fulfill our deepest desires. However, this belief is a
comforting delusion. Our destinies unfold with a certain inevitability,
indifferent to our pride, ambitions, and desires. In truth, we are at the mercy
of Time, an inexorable force that consumes us all.
Like any variety of fruit, humanity is diverse in nature and
experience. Some of us are sour, our lives filled with bitterness and hardship.
Others are tart, offering a sharper, more challenging flavor. There are those
among us who are tiny, offering just a sliver of flesh, their lives seemingly
insignificant in the grand scheme. And then there are those who are plump and
sweet, whose lives appear abundant and fulfilling, ripe for the picking.
Despite these differences, we are all fruits serving a higher, divine
The true purpose of our journey is not to acquire something
that will transform our lives into a continuous song of delight. Instead, it is
to refine and purify our hearts and minds, making ourselves a more appetizing
offering. This process involves shedding our inflated sense of self-importance
and surrendering to a higher power, which we may call by many names—God, the
Universe, Fate, or simply the unknown.
In our quest for meaning, we often fail to recognize that
our value lies not in what we accumulate or achieve, but in the quality of our
character and the purity of our intentions. Life is not about amassing wealth,
power, or accolades, but about cultivating virtues like compassion, humility,
and integrity. As we grow and mature, we must embrace the idea that our lives
are part of a larger, divine tapestry, each thread contributing to a greater
Our struggles, joys, sorrows, and triumphs are all part of
this maturation process. They shape us, challenge us, and ultimately transform
us into the best version of ourselves. The divine principal we serve is not
interested in our outward successes, but in the sincerity of our efforts and
the depth of our love and kindness.
In this light, every experience—whether sweet or
bitter—becomes meaningful. Our lives, like fruits, must undergo seasons of
growth, ripening, and eventually, surrendering to the cycle of nature. By
accepting this, we can find peace in the knowledge that we are part of a divine
order, our lives a testament to the beauty and complexity of existence. We
become willing participants in the grand feast of life, offering ourselves to
the mysterious forces that guide our destiny.
Thus, the journey of life is not about conquering or controlling our fate, but about embracing it with grace and humility. It is about recognizing the sacredness of our existence and the interconnectedness of all beings. In the end, we realize that our true nourishment comes not from external rewards, but from the growth and transformation we experience along the way.