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Symbolism Of Four Yugas In Hinduism

In Hinduism, the concept of the four yugas represents the cyclic nature of time and the different stages of human civilization. Each yuga is said to be characterized by certain qualities and spans a specific duration. The four yugas are:

Satya Yuga (or Krita Yuga):

  • Satya Yuga is the first and most virtuous age, also known as the Golden Age.
  • In this yuga, righteousness (dharma) is said to be at its peak, and people are predominantly virtuous and truthful.
  • It is believed to span a duration of 1,728,000 years.

Treta Yuga:

  • Treta Yuga is characterized by a decline in righteousness compared to Satya Yuga, but it is still considered a noble age.
  • Sacrifices and rituals become more prevalent during this period.
  • Treta Yuga is believed to span a duration of 1,296,000 years.

Dvapara Yuga:

  • In Dvapara Yuga, the decline in righteousness accelerates further.
  • People become more materialistic and begin to lose touch with spiritual values.
  • It is believed to span a duration of 864,000 years.

Kali Yuga:

  • Kali Yuga is the last and darkest age in the cycle, characterized by widespread moral and spiritual degradation.
  • It is believed that unrighteousness (adharma) prevails during this period.
  • Kali Yuga is considered the age of conflict, materialism, and ignorance.
  • It is believed to span a duration of 432,000 years.

Each yuga is said to be progressively shorter in duration and less spiritually enlightened than the previous one. The concept of the four yugas emphasizes the cyclical nature of time, wherein the world goes through periods of creation, maintenance, destruction, and renewal. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of righteousness and spirituality in human life.