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What is Saptahota Yajna In Hinduism?

Saptahota Yajna is a sacred practice within Hinduism focused on offering to the seven chakras situated along the spinal cord, following specific instructions given by a Guru (spiritual teacher). These seven chakras are considered akin to seven divine entities within the human body, capable of bestowing wisdom, prosperity, and success upon practitioners. Each chakra is associated with a particular element and deity:

  1. Muladhara: Governed by Ganesh, associated with the Earth element.
  2. Svadhishthan: Governed by Shakti, associated with the Water element.
  3. Manipura: Governed by Agni, associated with the Fire element.
  4. Anahata: Governed by Vishnu, associated with the Air element.
  5. Vishuddha: Governed by Shiva, associated with the Ether element.
  6. Ajna: Governed by Krishna, associated with intuitive consciousness.
  7. Trikuti: Governed by the Guru, associated with the will consciousness (Sankalpa).

The worship of these seven deities is performed in a specific manner involving the offering of breath, mantra recitation, and focused attention. Through mastery of breath control, yogis aim to apply inner pranic pressure on each chakra to unlock their full potential and activate their corresponding elements. This process of worship and activation of chakras is considered essential for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Traditionally, the knowledge and practice of Saptahota Yajna are transmitted from Guru to disciple, emphasizing the importance of guidance and adherence to established procedures and guidelines. The ancient Rishis (sages) are revered for their wisdom and are believed to have laid down the foundation for such spiritual practices through their own experimentation and realization.