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There Is Nothing Higher Than Faith – Hanuman Proved It

Once you acquire faith, your work is done. There is nothing higher than faith. … You have heard how powerful faith is. The Purana says that Ramachandra, the perfect incarnation of Brahman and Narayana, had to build a bridge to reach Lanka. But Hanuman had such great faith in the name of Rama that, taking Rama’s name, he was able to jump across the sea. He had no need for a bridge.

This passage reflects the profound significance of faith in Hindu philosophy, particularly in the context of the Ramayana, one of the major epics of ancient India. Let's expand on the themes and concepts encapsulated in this statement:

The Power of Faith: The text emphasizes the extraordinary power of faith. In Hinduism, faith (or "shraddha") is considered one of the key virtues that can lead individuals to spiritual realization and divine grace. It is believed that faith can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and lead to miraculous outcomes.

Hanuman's Devotion: The reference to Hanuman, a central character in the Ramayana and a devoted devotee of Lord Rama, illustrates the depth of faith and devotion. Hanuman's unwavering faith in the name and presence of Lord Rama enables him to perform extraordinary feats, such as leaping across the sea to reach the kingdom of Lanka.

Ramachandra and the Bridge to Lanka: The story of Ramachandra (an incarnation of the god Vishnu) building a bridge to Lanka (the kingdom ruled by the demon king Ravana) is a well-known episode from the Ramayana. It symbolizes the use of human effort and skill to overcome challenges. However, Hanuman's feat transcends physical limitations, demonstrating that absolute faith can render even the most daunting tasks unnecessary.

The Significance of Rama's Name: In Hinduism, the chanting or repetition of the divine name ('nama japa') is considered a potent spiritual practice. The name of Lord Rama is believed to embody the essence of divine grace and protection. Hanuman's ability to accomplish extraordinary feats through the mere invocation of Rama's name underscores the transformative power of devotion and the efficacy of divine remembrance.

Symbolism and Allegory: Beyond the literal interpretation, this passage also holds symbolic and allegorical significance. It suggests that ultimate liberation ('moksha') can be attained through unwavering faith and surrender to the divine, rather than relying solely on worldly efforts and achievements.

Overall, this passage encapsulates timeless spiritual truths found within Hindu philosophy, emphasizing the central role of faith, devotion, and the grace of the divine in the journey towards spiritual realization.