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Self Realization In Hinduism Is Going Beyond Time

In Hinduism, the concept of self-realization, known as "Atma Jnana" or "Atma Gyan," is deeply rooted in the idea of transcending the limitations of time. Time, as perceived in the material world, is considered to be an illusion or Maya. According to Hindu philosophy, the true self (Atman) is eternal and transcendent, existing beyond the realm of time and space.

To achieve self-realization, individuals are encouraged to go beyond the confines of temporal existence and detach themselves from the notions of past, present, and future. This entails breaking free from the cyclical nature of birth and death, which are governed by the concept of time.

The pursuit of self-realization involves introspection, meditation, and spiritual practices aimed at realizing one's true nature beyond the transient fluctuations of the temporal world. By delving deep into the inner self and experiencing the eternal essence within, individuals can attain a state of enlightenment or "moksha," liberation from the cycle of reincarnation (samsara).

The notion that time itself is ignorance (avidya) and impedes self-realization underscores the importance of transcending temporal constraints in the spiritual journey. By recognizing the illusory nature of time and focusing on the timeless essence of the self, individuals can attain a state of profound realization and unity with the eternal truth (Brahman).

In essence, self-realization in Hinduism involves transcending the limitations of time and recognizing the eternal nature of the self, which exists beyond the temporal boundaries of past, present, and future. Through this transcendence, individuals can attain liberation and realize their ultimate purpose in existence.