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Story Of Akshaya Patra Appearing On Earth – The Bowl That Provides Food All Day In Mahabharata

The story of the Akshaya Patra, or the inexhaustible vessel, is a fascinating tale from Mahabharata that showcases the benevolence of the divine towards those in need. It unfolds during the time when the Pandavas, along with their wife Draupadi, were undertaking their twelve-year exile in the forest.

Feeling concerned about how they would sustain themselves and the sages accompanying them during their exile, Sage Dhaumya advises Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava, to seek the blessings of Bhagavan Surya, the sun god, who is known as the provider of sustenance to all beings.

Taking the sage's counsel to heart, Yudhishthira undertakes a rigorous penance, standing in the waters of the sacred river Ganga, facing the sun, and subsisting solely on air for several days. He fervently prays to Bhagavan Surya, beseeching him to grant them the means to sustain themselves during their exile.

Impressed by Yudhishthira's unwavering devotion and sincerity, Bhagavan Surya appears before him. In response to his prayers, Surya presents Yudhishthira with the Akshaya Patra, a mystical copper plate that possesses the remarkable ability to remain perpetually filled with food until Draupadi completes her meal.

With the Akshaya Patra in their possession, the Pandavas and their companions are relieved of the worry of hunger during their exile. The divine gift serves as a symbol of divine providence and demonstrates the boundless generosity of the gods towards their devotees.

Throughout their exile, the Akshaya Patra sustains the Pandavas and their entourage, providing them with nourishment and strength, thereby enabling them to fulfill their duties and overcome the challenges they encounter in the wilderness.

The legend of the Akshaya Patra continues to be revered in Hindu tradition, serving as a reminder of the miraculous interventions of the divine in times of need and the power of unwavering faith and devotion.