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Why Brahma Created Lust, Desire, Anger, Greed, Arrogance and Jealousy?

In Hindu scriptures, Brahma is often depicted as the creator deity, responsible for shaping the universe and all living beings within it. The concept of Brahma creating lust, desire, anger, greed, arrogance, and jealousy, as well as Mrityu, the goddess of death, is deeply rooted in the philosophical and moral framework of Hinduism. These attributes are considered to be inherent challenges or tests that humans face in their journey towards spiritual enlightenment and liberation.

According to the Mahabharata (Drona Parva chapters 53 and 54), Brahma created these enemies of human beings at the special request of Bhudevi, or Mother Earth. Bhudevi was overwhelmed by the ever-increasing number of living beings who were not subject to death. This imbalance caused distress to Bhudevi, leading her to plead with Brahma for a solution.

In response to Bhudevi's plea, Brahma created the six enemies—moha (delusion), kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), mada (arrogance), and matsarya (jealousy). These traits were embedded in the hearts of living beings, making them susceptible to mortality. By introducing these challenges, Brahma ensured that all living beings would eventually face death, thereby restoring balance to the universe.

The creation of these enemies serves as a reminder of the impermanent nature of life and the importance of overcoming worldly desires and attachments on the path to spiritual growth. Each of these traits represents a hurdle that individuals must overcome through self-awareness, discipline, and spiritual practice in order to attain liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death (samsara).

Therefore, Brahma's creation of lust, desire, anger, greed, arrogance, and jealousy is intricately linked to the cosmic balance and the spiritual evolution of beings within the Hindu worldview. These challenges serve as opportunities for growth and self-realization on the path towards ultimate enlightenment.