Naigamas are individuals or groups within Hinduism who adhere to the authority of the Vedas, which are ancient sacred texts revered in Hindu tradition. The term "Naigamas" specifically refers to those who accept the Vedas as their primary religious scriptures.
Within the broader spectrum of Hinduism, there are various
sects and denominations, each with its own interpretation and emphasis on
different aspects of Vedic teachings. One significant group among the followers
of Shiva (Shaivas) who adhere to the authority of the Vedas are the Pashupatas.
Despite being Shaivas, they recognize the Vedas (also known as Nigamas) as
authoritative texts, hence they are sometimes referred to as Naigamas.
Moreover, "Naigama" also carries additional
meanings within Hindu philosophy and literature. It can refer to the
Upanishads, which are philosophical texts that form the basis of Vedanta, a
major philosophical school within Hinduism. The Upanishads explore profound
metaphysical concepts and offer insights into the nature of reality, the self
(atman), and the ultimate truth (Brahman).
Furthermore, "Naigama" can also denote a specific
section of the Vedic dictionary known as the Nighantu. This text provides
explanations, definitions, and interpretations of Vedic words and concepts,
aiding in the understanding and study of the Vedas.
In summary, Naigamas represent individuals or groups within
Hinduism who uphold the authority of the Vedas, including certain sects of
Shaivism like the Pashupatas, and may also refer to the Upanishads and the
Vedic dictionary called Nighantu.