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Manasa Pratyaksha

"Manasa Pratyaksha" refers to the direct perception of objects or knowledge through the mind, as discussed in Hindu philosophical systems. In this concept, the mind has the ability to perceive information about objects without relying solely on the five senses (jnanendriyas). For example, when observing a rose from a distance, the mind can also recall and comprehend its fragrance based on past experiences.

Within the Kumarila's school of Mimamsa philosophy, dating back to around 700 CE, there is a particular emphasis on the direct perception of the self, or the soul, as distinct from the physical body. According to this school of thought, individuals can directly perceive their own existence as the "I" or consciousness within their minds. This direct apprehension of the self is termed "manasa-pratyaksha" within the Mimamsa framework.

In essence, "Manasa Pratyaksha" underscores the idea that the mind has the capacity to grasp knowledge beyond what is immediately accessible through sensory perception, including insights into the nature of the self or consciousness. This concept reflects a deeper understanding of cognition and awareness within Hindu philosophical discourse.