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How Lord Shiva Died?

Questions like how Lord Shiva died arise from a lack of understanding of Hinduism. According to Hindu belief, Shiva neither is neither born nor dies. Shiva permeates all existence. The only real existence is that of Shiva – rest all living being rise and merge in Shiva. The energy that pervades the cosmos is Shiva. It is his transformative force that instigates changes throughout the universe.

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is often regarded as the Supreme Being, beyond birth and death, and is considered the embodiment of eternal consciousness, bliss, and the ultimate reality. Shiva is often depicted as both the destroyer and the regenerator, symbolizing the constant cycle of creation, preservation, and dissolution in the universe.

According to Hindu tradition, Lord Shiva neither takes birth nor dies in the conventional sense. Instead, He exists eternally as the timeless essence of existence. He is often depicted in various forms and manifestations, representing different aspects of cosmic energy and consciousness.

The concept of Shiva's transcendence over birth and death reflects the deeper philosophical understanding within Hinduism, emphasizing the eternal nature of the divine and the interconnectedness of all existence. Thus, questions about the death of Shiva stem from a misunderstanding of the symbolism and metaphysical concepts associated with Hindu deities, particularly Mahadeva Shiva.