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Gender Fluidity In Hinduism

Gender fluidity in Hinduism is a multifaceted topic deeply rooted in ancient beliefs and tradition. Gender fluidity is not a taboo in Hindu religion. Ancient Hindus recognized this aspect and mentioned in the scriptures. One notable example is found in the story of Budha (Mercury) and his consort Ila.

According to a popular story in Hindu religion, Budha Navagraha was conceived through an unconventional union. Although Tara was married to Brihaspati (Jupiter), Budh's biological father was Chandra (the moon). Upon learning of this unconventional parentage, Brihaspati felt humiliated and enraged. In his anger, he cursed the unborn child to be neither fully male nor female.

As a result of Brihaspati's curse, Budha was born as a gender-neutral being, embodying both masculine and feminine traits. This narrative reflects the acceptance of gender fluidity within Hinduism, where individuals are not confined to rigid gender binaries.

Furthermore, Budh's consort, Ila, adds another layer to the theme of gender fluidity in Hindu mythology. Ila is depicted as a gender-fluid deity who transitions between male and female forms on a monthly basis. This perpetual transformation underscores the fluidity and ambiguity inherent in gender identity, emphasizing the idea that gender is not fixed but rather a dynamic aspect of existence.

Overall, these stories highlight the inclusive and diverse perspectives on gender that have existed within Hinduism since ancient times. They serve as reminders of the fluidity and complexity of gender identity and offer a unique perspective on the subject within the context of religious tradition.