The story of Ekadanta Ganapati, depicting Ganesha losing his tusk in a battle with Parasurama, is a widely known Hindu story elucidating the origin of Ganesha's fractured tusk. Though the narrative may have variations, its core essence remains consistent across many versions. Ganesha possesses an elephant's head atop a human body. Among his two tusks, one remains intact while the other is broken. This distinctive feature earns him the name of 'Ekadanta.'
According to one version of the story, Ganesha was guarding
the entrance to his mother Parvati's abode while she was taking a bath. At that
time, the sage Parasurama, a devotee of Lord Shiva, arrived to meet Shiva.
However, Ganesha, not recognizing Parasurama, stopped him from entering, as he
had specific instructions not to allow anyone inside.
An argument ensued, and Parasurama, known for his quick
temper, became enraged. He engaged in a fierce battle with Ganesha. Despite his
best efforts, Parasurama couldn't defeat Ganesha, who was not only the son of
Shiva and Parvati but also possessed the blessings of other gods.
Realizing that he couldn't overpower Ganesha, Parasurama
threw his axe at him. Ganesha, being a devoted son, didn't want to disrespect
the sage's weapon, which also happened to be a gift from Lord Shiva. In a
gesture of humility and devotion, Ganesha willingly allowed the axe to sever
his tusk.
Parasurama, upon realizing his mistake and witnessing
Ganesha's sacrifice, felt remorseful. He acknowledged Ganesha's devotion and
sought forgiveness. Lord Shiva, who arrived on the scene, pacified Parasurama
and blessed Ganesha.
This incident is symbolic in Hindu tradition, representing
Ganesha's wisdom, humility, and devotion to his parents. Ganesha is often
depicted with a broken tusk, and this story is cited to explain the unique
appearance of Lord Ganesha in many Hindu artworks and sculptures.