The extent of Bhishma’s greatness is manifest in his wisdom and saintly life which relate to the highest verities of existence. The whole of ‘Anushasana Parva’ is devoted to an exposition of the vital aspects of ethical life. In Indian thought, the purity of individual ethics forms the spiritual edifice of social life. Without this foundation, the welfare of entire nations tumbles down like a house of cards, as history repeatedly demonstrates.
Lakshmi’s declaration in the ‘Anushasana Parva’ contains the
quintessence of practical thinking and
wisdom, as it relates to the individual and social welfare of a nation. Lakshmi
dwells as the goddess
of happiness in the hearts of pious, merciful, vigorous, and self-controlled
people. Lakshmi scorns the idle, licentious, and impure.
Yudhishthira asked Bhishma a very important question: What
should one who seeks auspiciousness in life do during the journey of life?’
Bhishma gives his glorious reply: He must have deep faith in God. He must be
full of purity and devoted to meditation. In his social relations he must avoid three things: cruelty, theft, and immorality. In his speech he must avoid four
things: improper talk, cruel speech, talebearing, and lying. In his mental relations he must realize
three assets: exclusion of thought about others’ affluence, friendliness to all beings, and a strong conviction
of the truth that ‘as we sow so we reap’.
Individual ethical life forms the foundation of the
sovereign edifice of enriched social life. Bhishma
laid stress on what he called our common duties. They include, among others,
compassion, truth, purity, passionlessness, detachment, and honesty. His exposition
of the four ashramas reveals his strong emphasis on our ascent to the highest
state of spiritual realization through study, service, meditation, and
renunciation. Krishna praised Bhishma’s wisdom, goodness, and devotion when he
said to him, ‘There is none like you. You have been purity itself. Your wisdom
is unmatched among men.’
The cherished crown of the fullness of knowledge so abundant
in Bhishma is God-realization.
Krishna granted him spiritual victory and everlasting fame. It was Bhishma’s
reward for his immaculate, intuitive, and unwavering spirituality — which
dwelled in him as an ever-present radiance, an ever-kindled rapture. When
Bhishma departed from the world in majestic splendour, Krishna’s prediction
about the impact of his glorious personality was verified: ‘After the demise of
this supreme soldier, saint, and sage, the world will be like a dark, moonless