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Similarities Between Hindu God Surya And Greek God Helios

Surya in Hinduism and Helios in Greek mythology are both associated with the sun and are considered solar deities. Despite cultural and religious differences, there are several similarities between them:

Solar Deities:

Surya is the Hindu god of the sun and is often depicted riding a chariot drawn by seven horses, representing the seven colors of the rainbow.

Helios is the Greek god of the sun, often depicted riding a chariot across the sky with fiery horses.

Chariot of the Sun:

Both Surya and Helios are commonly portrayed driving a chariot across the sky, symbolizing the daily journey of the sun.

Daily Sun Journey:

Both deities are associated with the daily rising and setting of the sun, signifying the cyclical nature of the day and night.


Surya is often depicted with a lotus in each hand and radiating light from his body, symbolizing the sun's life-giving energy.

Helios is portrayed with a radiant crown or halo, emphasizing the brilliance and warmth associated with the sun.

Worship and Rituals:

Both Surya and Helios have been objects of worship in their respective cultures. Worship of the sun is prevalent in various ancient civilizations.


In Greek mythology, Helios is sometimes considered the son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. He is also considered the father of many other deities.

In Hindu mythology, Surya is often mentioned as the son of Aditi and Kashyapa. His siblings include Selene (the moon) and Eos (the dawn).

Associations with Light:

Both deities are associated with light, illumination, and the life-giving qualities of the sun.

Cultural Significance:

Both Surya and Helios hold significant places in their respective mythologies, playing vital roles in the cosmology and the natural order of the world.

Mythological Stories:

Surya: Hindu scriptures includes various stories and hymns dedicated to Surya. Surya is often associated with the Rigveda, one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. There are also stories of Surya's interactions with other deities and mythical figures in Hindu epics like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.

Helios: In Greek mythology, Helios is often mentioned in the context of his daily journey across the sky in a chariot. One of the most famous stories involving Helios is the tale of Phaeton, his son, who attempts to drive his father's sun chariot and loses control.

Artistic Depictions:

Surya: In Hindu art, Surya is commonly depicted with a golden crown and riding a chariot drawn by horses. He may have multiple arms and often holds symbols associated with the sun.

Helios: In Greek art, Helios is often portrayed as a handsome god with a radiant crown or halo. His chariot is typically shown as a flaming disk, and he is sometimes depicted with a whip.

While these similarities exist, it's essential to note that the cultural and religious contexts surrounding these deities are distinct, and their myths and stories differ. The similarities may arise from shared human experiences and the universal significance of the sun in various cultures.